The LQMToolset configuration file contains the local configuration options, including data source definitions, tool instances, and tool chains.

Data Source

This setting specifies root source directories and what to do with the files once they've been processed.

    dirs = ["/tmp", "/var/spool"]
    post_process = "delete"
Setting Explanation
dirs A list of directory paths, whose contents will be scanned for input files to process.
post_process An action for LQMToolset to perform after processing a file. Allowed values include delete, move, and track. While delete is self-explanatory, move will mark the input files to be moved after processing to another directory. track will mark the input files to be tracked in another text file. move is the default value when nothing is set in the user configuration file.

Tool Chains

Tool Chains are built from tool instances, which are created from the available tools in LQMToolset. Chaining these tool instances together creates Tool Chains. To configure a new device, an entry must be added in the configuration file.

    name = "arcsight-1"
    chain = [ "cef-mapping", "arcsight-1" ]
Setting Explanation
name A unique name identifying the Tool Chain.
chain A list of tools to chain together to perform processing on each record.
active Enables this Tool Chain if set to true. Otherwise, it will disable this Tool Chain if set to false. active is optional, and will default to true if not specified.

NOTE: There can be many tools of a specific type--one for each physical device--but they must have distinct names.


Palo Alto

The Palo Alto tool places or removes blocks on Palo Alto Networks firewall devices.

    name = "my-pa200"
    api_username = "username"
    api_password = "password"
    hostname = ""
    badIPFiles = [ "BlockedIPs-01.txt", "BlockedIPs-02.txt" ]
    block_lists = [ "CFM_EBL-01", "CFM_EBL-02" ]
    db_location = "paloalto"
    cafile = "pa-ames/pa.crt"
    prune_method = "Expiration"
    default_duration = 259200
    unprocessed_file = "unprocessed/pa-ames.csv"
Setting Explanation
name A unique name identifying this device.
api_key The API key retrieved from the Palo Alto device for remote access. Note: You can either use an API key, or a username/password. An API key is recommended.
api_username A username with with API access/privileges to the Palo Alto device. Note: You can either use an API key, or a username/password. An API key is recommended.
api_password The corresponding password to the username listed above. Note: You can either use an API key, or a username/password. An API key is recommended.
hostname The hostname or IP address of the Palo Alto device.
badIPFiles A list of dynamic block-lists files to use. Each file can hold 300 less than the maximum number of IP addresses that the Palo Alto device supports.
block_lists The named block lists configured on the Palo Alto device.
db_location The path to the directory that will hold the local database of blocked IP addresses.
cafile The path to your CA certificate file for the Palo Alto device.
prune_method The method used to prune IP addresses from the database if there are more IP addresses than the Palo Alto device supports. IP addresses are pruned after removing all expired IP blocks. prune_method accepts Expiration, for removing blocks with the earliest expiration time; Added, for removing blocks with the earlist added time; and Detected, for removing blocks with the earliest detection time.
default_duration The default time limit that a block should be held if the duration is not specified in the alert.
unprocessed_file The path to the CSV file that will hold all unprocessed blocks. The contents will consist of filenames, whose names have been altered by adding a timestamp (YYMMDD-HHMMSS) between the name and the extension. (If the file lacks an extension, the timestamp will be appended to the filename.)
actions_to_process A list of actions for this tool to process: Block, Revoke, Notify, Watch, SendReport, OtherAction, All.

Device Setup & Configuration

LQMT uses Palo Alto's Dynamic Block Lists (also called External Block Lists or EBLs) to block IPs. There is a limit to the number of IP addresses that can be blocked by a Palo Alto device. See your devices documentation for these limits. Each Palo Alto device can have up to 10 block lists and each block list is limited to 300 less than the device's limit. The Palo Alto accesses the EBLs via http request to a web server. Configuring one is beyond the scope of this document.


  • Web server to host the Dynamic Block List files
    • Only needs to be accessible from the machine LQMT is installed on
    • The LQMT machine also needs to have write access to the location it reads the EBLs from as it will write the files to that location
  • The LQMT machine needs to trust the root CA for the Palo Alto web server
    • One will need to be created if one hasn't already been imported
      • The default certificate created by the device will not work.
    • To create one,
      • Log in to the web UI as an administrator
      • Select the Device tab
      • Select Certificates under the Certificated management menu
      • Click on Generate at the bottom of the window
      • Fill in the fields as appropriate
        • Common name should be the machine name
        • Ensure Certificate Authority is check
        • Add any Certificate Attributes you may want
        • Click Generate
    • The click on the newly generated certificate and check the following: - Forward Trust Certificate - Forward Untrust Certificate - Certificate for Secure Web GUI
    • After creating the certificate, you will need to export it
      • Click the export button at the bottom of the window and accept the defaults
      • Store it in a location accessible to LQMT
      • Specify the location in the cafile configuration parameter for the specific Palo Alto device
  • Create the block list objects
    • Log into the Web GUI as an administrator
    • Select the Objects tab
    • Select the Dynamic Block Lists item from the menu
      • Click the Add button at the bottom of the window
      • Enter a name
        • This name will be in the block_lists configuration parameter
      • Optionally enter a description
      • Enter the source location of the file backing this block list
        • The physical location of the file will be added to the badIPFiles configuration parameter
      • Set the repeat to Monthly at 00:00
        • This is sufficient because LQMT will perform a refresh as necessary and doesn't need to rely on a regularly scheduled refresh
  • Create the policies that use the block lists to restrict network traffic


The Palo Alto module currently only blocks IP addresses and network ranges (CIDR). Any other block that are not supported will be output to the field specified in the unhandled_blocks configuration parameter.


Place or remove blocks on Checkpoint devices. The connection to Checkpoint devices is done through a shared SSL key which needs to be generated on the machine LQMTools is installed on and copied to the Checkpoint device.

    name = "checkpoint"
    hostname = ""
    port = 22
    username = "foo"
    originator = "bar"
    default_duration = 259200
    unprocessed_file = "unprocessed.txt"
    actions_to_process = "All"
Setting Explanation
name A unique name identifying this tool instance.
hostname The Checkpoint device's hostname or IP address.
port The port number through which to connect via SSH.
username The username with which to login to the Checkpoint device.
originator The originator that will be stored with the blocks put into the Checkpoint device.
default_duration The default time a block should be in place for if the duration is not specified in the alert.
unprocessed_file A file that will hold all unprocessed blocks. This file will be a CSV file and will have the creation timestamp (YYMMDD-HHMMSS) embedded in the filename before the extension, or at the end if no extension is specified. For example, if the filename is dir/file.txt, the file created, if nessecary, would be dir/file.20150401-113524.txt.
actions_to_process Specify the list of actions this cool can/will process. Valid values: Block, Revoke, Notify, Watch, SentReport, OtherAction, All.

Device Setup & Configuration

The LQMTool module for checkpoint devices uses the checkpoint firewall's Suspicious Activities Monitoring Protocol (samp) to block IP addresses via the command line interface and ssh from the LQMT machine. The following outlines the steps necessary to configure the device for use with LQMT. The following assumes the computer that is running the LQMT software is named, the checkpoint computer is named

  • Use the web UI to create a new user with an adminRole, set the shell to /bin/bash, and ensure that command line access is granted. For purposes of this document, the username cfm will be used.
  • Set up password-less ssh access for the cfm user just created. The exact steps will depend on the machine running LQMT, but the basics:
    • Create an RSA key pair if not already done. This can be done by running the command: ssh-keygen -t rsa on and accepting all the defaults. For these purposes, it is best to not have a passphrase for this key pair.
    • Copy the public key to the admin user's account on the checkpoint device. Depending on the open-ssl version on the LQMT computer, you could use the command: ssh -copy-id If that command isn't available, you can run the following on as the user that will be running LQMT: cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    • Verify password-less access by trying to ssh to the checkpoint machine:
      • ssh
    • In addition, the checkpoint device needs to be configured as a firewall in order for the LQMT to be effective.


The Checkpoint module currently only blocks IP addresses and network ranges(CIDR). Any other blocks that are not supported will be output to the file specified in the unhandled_blocks configuration parameter.


The ArcSight tool places or removes blocks on ArcSight devices.

    name = "arcsight-1"
    host = ""
    port = 598
    protocol = "tcp"
    actions_to_process = [ "All" ]
Setting Explanation
name A unique name identifying this tool instance.
host The hostname or IP address of the ArcSight device.
port The port number on which the ArcSight device is listening.
protocol The IP protocol to use: tcp or udp.
actions_to_process A list of actions for this tool to process: Block, Revoke, Notify, Watch, SendReport, OtherAction, All.

Device Setup & Configuration

To configure the ArcSight logger to receive data from LQMToolset, a new Receiver needs to be configured. To do so, login through the web interface of the ArcSight device, and navigate to Configuration > Receivers. Click the Add button, enter a name for the Receiver, select CEF TCP Receiver, and click next. At this time, modify any necessary parameters. Do not change the source type. Note the port number! (You'll need that port number for the LQMToolset configuration file). By default, new Receivers aren't enabled. Enable the new Receiver by clicking the box on the far right of the Receiver list for the new Receiver that was just added.


The CEF tool converts data from the intermediate format to the CEF format.

    name = "cef-mapping"
Setting Explanation
name A unique name identifying this tool instance.


The Syslog tool is used to log information to remote Syslog servers.

    name = "syslog-1"
    host = ""
    port = 514
    protocol = "tcp"
    messageHead = "WY rsyslogd: Message from LQMT - "
    messageFields = ["indicatorType", "indicator", "action1"]

Example output in syslog:

Aug 26 14:23:01 WY rsyslogd: Message from LQMT - indicatorType="IPv4Address" indicator="" action1="Block"
Aug 26 14:23:01 WY rsyslogd: Message from LQMT - indicatorType="IPv4Address" indicator="" action1="Block"
Aug 26 14:24:05 WY rsyslogd: Message from LQMT - indicatorType="IPv4Address" indicator="" action1="Block"
Setting Explanation
name A unique name identifying this tool instance.
host The hostname or IP address of the remote syslog server.
port The port number the Syslog server is listening on. Note: Syslog defaults to 514, so if left blank LQMT will also default to 514 for communication.
protocol The IP protocol to use: tcp or udp.
messageHead Used at the beginning of every message sent to Syslog.
messageFields Used to specify what fields you want extracted from the alerts and sent in the message to Syslog.


FlexText is a tool used to output parsed alert data in a user-defined, character delimited, format.

    name                = "flextext-tool"
    fileParser          = "CSV"
    fields              = 'action1,indicator,reportedTime'
    delimiter           = ","
    quoteChar           = '"'
    escapeChar          = '\\'
    headerLine          = true
    doubleQuote         = false
    quoteStyle          = "Minimal"
    primarySchemaConfig = "resources/schemaDefinitions/lqmtools.json"
    fileDestination     = "/home/output/test.csv"
    incrementFile       = true
Setting Explanation
name A unique name identifying this tool instance.
fileParser Select parser type. Currently only supports and defaults to CSV.
fields Fields, identified from the intermediate format, to be extracted. The order of the fields here determines the order of the output.
delimiter A single character delimiter used to separate fields. Default value is ,.
quoteChar Character used to quote respective values.
escapeChar Character used to escape other characters.
headerLine Boolean value used to set if a header line detailing the extracted values should be included in the output. Defaults to False.
doubleQuote Determines how the quoteChar itself is quoted. If True then the character is doubled. If False, the character is prefixed to the quoteChar.
quoteStyle Sets the style of the quoting. Can be one of four values. Minimal: only quotes fields that contain special characters. NonNumeric: only quotes non-numeric fields. All: quotes all fields. None: No fields are quoted
primarySchemaConfig Defines the path to the primary schema configuration. Most users won't need to change the default setting; if you do, then some understanding of FlexTransform is suggested.
fileDestination Sets the destination of the output file.
incrementFile Used to increment the output file. When set to True, the output file name will be incremented with a timestamp. When set to False the output file will be overrune everytime the the tool is run. Defaults to False


    logfilebase = "/var/log/lqmt"
    debug = true
Setting Explanation
logfilebase The path and filename prefix to the LQMToolset log file. Multiple log files will be created based on the filename prefix specified in this setting. For example, if LogFileBase is "/var/log/lqmt", "/var/log/lqmt.err.log" and "/var/log/" will be created.
debug Enable debug-level logging, which will create an additional log file, .debug.log. Debug is optional, and it accepts either true or false.


LQMToolset allows indicators to be whitelisted. When you define a path to a text file containing the whitelisted indicators, LQMToolset will check the file for modifications and then update the internal database.

    whitelist = "/path/to/whitelist/file.txt"
    dbfile = "/path/to/whitelist/database.db"
Setting Explanation
whitelist The full path to the text file containing whitelisted indicators, adhering to the whitelist format below.
dbfile The location of the SQLite database that holds the whitelist information.

Whitelist Format

The following sections specify the format of the whitelist file mentioned above.

IPv4 Addresses
IPv4 Subnet Ranges
IPv6 Addresses
IPv6 Subnet Ranges
Domain Name

Intermediate Data Format

The intermediate data format is a subset/simplification of the complete thread data that can be directly used by a cariety of systems.

Field Name Description
dataItemID UUID for data item
fieldID UUID for file
detectedTime UTC epoch of time in the alert itself (if present, filled with reportedTime)
reportedTime UTC epoch of time reported to CFM (or other system)
processedTime UTC epoch of time processed locally on client (i.e. when this parsed record was created)
indicator The value to be acted up (e.g. ip, domain name, URL)
indicatorType A type name that informs how to interpret the indicator (e.g. ipv4, emailAddress) (enum)
indicatorDirection enum {source, destination}
secondaryIndicator A secondary indicator that restricts (logical AND) the indicator (e.g. a port number) (when appropriate)
secondaryIndicatorType A type name that informs how to interpret the secondaryIndicator (e.g. tcpport, udport) (enum)
secondaryIndicatorDirection enum {source, destination}
directSource The CFM site abbr (or other applicable indentifier) that uploaded the data
secondarySource String representing where the CFM site got it from (when appropriate)
action1 An action to be performed when the indicator is seen (semi-enum)
duration1 How long the action is to be performed
action2 An action to be performed when the indicator is seen (semi-enum)
duration2 How long the action is to be performed
reason1 First reason for this alert
reference1 Reference for info for reason
reason2 Additional reason for this alert
reference2 Reference for info for reason
majorTags A string containing a comma separated list of tags. These are high-level concepts that rend to remain "tag worthy" over time (e.g. Ransomware)
minorTags A string containing a comma separated list of tags. These are highly detailed and/or only important for a short time (e.g. Cryptolocker)
restriction TLP level
sensitivity OUO marking
reconAllowed Boolean: true (default) = recon
priors Number of previous (known) reports
confidence Confidence in accuracy: 0 = none 100 = full
severity How significant is the impact (assuming relevant): 0 = no impact, 100 = catastrophic
relevancy How relevant is this alert: 0 = not applicable, 100 = perfectly targeted
relatedID UUID of a related indicator
relationType enum (supersedes, extends, superseded by, extended by)
comment A string that represents a comment that was included with the alert.
fileHasMore Boolean: false (default) = data has been translated, true = More details on the data item are present in file.